NIAD-QE conducted an online questionnaire to the CAMPUS Asia Mode 3 consortiums on the "Common Quality Assurance Standards (Preliminary Draft)"

From July to September 2023, NIAD-QE conducted an online questionnaire among the CAMPUS Asia consortiums in Mode 3 on the "Common Quality Assurance Standards (Preliminary Draft)" (hereafter the "Standards") which NIAD-QE is preparing in collaboration with quality assurance agencies in China and Korea.

The questionnaire was designed to explore practical views from a wide range of stakeholders to determine whether the content of the "Standards" reflects the quality that is commonly desired for inter-university student exchange programs in Asia. All 20 consortiums participated and provided a spectrum of valuable feedback based on their experiences within the program management.

Following the online questionnaire, interview surveys based on the "Standards" are planned for the fall of 2024. The feedback collected through the questionnaire and interview surveys will be carefully considered and incorporated to elaborate the "Standards."

NIAD-QE will continue to proceed with the project towards finalizing the "Common Quality Assurance Standards."

          Questionnaire request