'CAMPUS Asia' for Broader Asia
'CAMPUS Asia' in ASEAN and Broader Asia

In order to promote quality-assured inter-university exchange across Asia, the concept of the expansion of 'CAMPUS Asia' to all countries and regions of Asia was proposed by Japan at the seventh meeting of the Japan-China-Korea Committee for Promoting Exchange and Cooperation among Universities (MEXT website) in September 2019, and the committee agreed on its importance. At the meeting, as concrete efforts toward the expansion of 'CAMPUS Asia', the three actions and a system of qualified programs were proposed. Also, at the third Trilateral Education Ministers' Meeting (MEXT website) in January 2020, the concept and general direction of the scheme to expand 'CAMPUS Asia' were welcomed and accepted, with the ministers recognizing the importance of quality assurance.
3 Actions
The proposed initiative will continue the achievements of the past Modes and will approach with the following three actions to increase participation across Asia.
Action 1 | Support continuous programs in which consortiums are formed in Japan, China, and Korea. |
Action 2 | Expand the scope of participation in the consortiums to include all Asian countries and regions, particularly ASEAN countries ('CAMPUS Asia Plus' programs). |
Action 3 | Expand the applicability of consortiums to include similar programs meeting the same quality assurance standards as 'CAMPUS Asia', being implemented in ASEAN or other Asian countries and regions. |
Qualified Programs
In the new scheme, the introduction of an original accreditation system is being planned for programs operating through any of the three actions above to ensure quality-assured exchange.
Specifically, Common Quality Assurance Standards are being established for all qualified programs in Asia. Programs that meet these standards will be certified as qualified programs.