NIAD-QE had meetings with quality assurance agencies in China and Korea on the preliminary draft of the "Common Quality Assurance Standards"
NIAD-QE held two online meetings with quality assurance agencies in China and Korea, Education Quality Evaluation Agency of the Ministry of Education (EQEA) and Korean Council for University Education (KCUE)respectively, for "The CAMPUS Asia Common Quality Assurance Standards Project" on February 6 and March 6, 2023.
The purpose of these two meetings was to facilitate common understanding among the three agencies of the development of the "Common Quality Assurance Standards" (hereafter the "Standards"), as part of the expansion scheme within CAMPUS Asia "Mode 3." The meetings also aimed to share opinions and feedback on the preliminary draft of the "Standards" which was prepared by NIAD-QE. The two online meetings provided great opportunities for NIAD-QE to exchange ideas on the preliminary draft of the "Standards" with its collaborating agencies, EQEA and KCUE.
At the first meeting, the background and the purpose of developing the "Standards" were reviewed; the concept of developing the "Standards" was agreed at the 7th Meeting of the Japan-China-Korea Committee for Promoting Exchange and Cooperation among Universities (Sep 2019, Tokyo). After a brief overview of the project, NIAD-QE explained in detail each criterion in the preliminary draft of the "Standards" to the participants. At the second meeting, EQEA and KCUE contributed valuable comments and suggestions from various point of views, making our discussions quite active and beneficial.
NIAD-QE will carefully consider the feedback provided in the meetings and will continue to polish up the preliminary draft of the "Standards."